maine coon cat breed

The Maine Coon cat is the gentle giant of the feline world. This adorable kitty is extremely intelligent, very playful, and loves to have conversations.

You would think a cat this large might be overbearing and maybe even a little aloof but, nothing could be further from the truth. They have almost a dog-like personality and will follow their owners from room to room.

If you have the space for this big, lovable, over-sized teddy bear, it is definitely the purr-fect addition for you and your family!

maine coon cat facts

Maine Coon Cat Facts

  • The Maine Coon cat is the largest domesticated cat in the world. While females only weigh from 8 to 12 lbs on average, the male will normally tip the scales between 15 and 25 lbs. Additionally, the typical house cat is around 18 inches long but the Maine Coon can stretch out to an amazing length of 40 inches or more.
  • Maine Coons supposedly began life in the state of Maine. There are however, many myths and stories regarding the actually origin of this cat. Some believe it was born of French royalty while others think the Vikings used them as rat and mouse exterminators on their ships. They are certainly descendants of a wild cat but, they aren’t the offspring of a domestic long-haired cat and a raccoon.
  • While almost all cats hate water, the Maine Coon can be seen swimming and joining you for a bath or shower. Their thick coat of fur is water-resistant which also helps trap the heat during winter.
  • There have been several famous Maine Coon cats. There’s Valkyrie, the internet star with the human-like face. Pebbles who played Mrs. Norris in the Harry Potter movies and probably the most celebrated was Stewie, the world record longest cat at 48.5 inches in length.
  • In 1895 at New York City’s Madison Square Garden, a brown tabby Maine Coon named Cosey won the first American cat exhibition and as a result, became a wildly sought-after breed.
  • In 1985, this beautiful breed was named the official state cat of Maine and quickly rose in popularity as a direct result.
maine coon features

Physical Features

  • Lifespan: 10-15 years with cases of some living longer in the ideal environment.
  • Weight: Females typically weigh from 8 to 12 lbs. while the much larger males average between 15 and 25 lbs.
  • Body Type: Medium to large with a broad-chested, muscular frame.
  • Eye Color: Green, gold, green-gold, and copper. Maine Coons with white fur may have blue or odd-colored eyes.
  • Coat Color: There are 75 different color combinations available.
  • Shedding: Surprisingly just an average amount with seasonal shedding in Spring and Fall being a bit heavier.
maine coon personality

Personality Traits

  • Activity Level: Maine Coon cats are very playful, with the attitude of a kitten most of their lives. They will need plenty of room to climb, jump, and run around.
  • Breed Intellect: Being highly intelligent, this cat can easily learn tricks such as fetch. It is a skilled hunter and should also quickly adapt to walks on a harness and leash if you see fit.
  • Temperament: You would think these large, wild-looking cats would be a bully however, nothing could be further from the truth. Known as the gentle giant, these kitties have one of the most laid back personalities of all the felines. 
  • Attention Needs: Having been compared to dogs for the way they follow their owners from room to room, the Maine Coons are happy being independent too. In other words, they’re not overly clingy.
  • Caring Nature: Looking for an affectionate kitty? You have found one of the most loving cats of all the breeds. It may not be a lap cat (size and all) but it craves any attention it can get.
  • Vocal Tendency: Do you like a talkative cat? You will enjoy conversations with this chatty furball. While it has a somewhat normal meow, there are times when it speaks to you by trilling, chirping, or even howling. 
  • Kids Compatible: This breed gets along great with kids but you will need to keep an eye on those younger children who are not acquainted with proper kitty etiquette.
  • Tolerates Pets: As long as other cats and dogs don’t try to mistreat or agitate this cat, everything should be fine.
  • Stranger-Friendly: Invite all your cat-loving friends and family members over as this kitty is very outgoing. It may take a few minutes for the Maine Coon to warm up to strangers though.

Health and Well-Being

Ideal Living Situation

First off, this is a big cat. It gets along equally well with those living alone and large active families. That being said, this kitty needs plenty of space to stretch out its legs (run, jump, climb, etc). So those living in a small apartment might be better looking for another smaller breed.

Possible Health Problems

Three types of hereditary genetic disorders to watch out for are…

  • Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (thickening of the muscles surrounding the heart)
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (born with cysts growing on their kidneys)
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (instabilities and abnormal posture).

Ask the breeder if they screened your kitten for these defects.

Annual Vaccinations

There are four core vaccines and one non-core option available for all cats.

The first essential vaccine would be Rabies which is a fatal disease if exposed to it.

The second inoculation (FVRCP) is a combination of the remaining three core vaccines in one. This covers Feline Herpesvirus 1 or FHV-1 which is an upper respiratory infection, Feline Calicivirus or FCV which attacks the upper respiratory tract, and the final is Feline Panleukopenia Virus or FPV (also known as Feline Distemper) which is life threatening and extremely dangerous for young cats and kittens.

You can get the optional non-core vaccine Feline Leukemia Virus or FeLV. This is considered a core vaccine for every kitten. Make an appointment with your local vet to discuss and schedule all these vaccinations.

Grooming Routine

When caring for cats, there are four specific areas which need regular attention.

Weekly brushing is the minimum required to keep their fur healthy and shiny. This also helps distribute natural body oils, remove dead hair, and eliminate matted fur.

When the nails are getting a little too sharp and ripping furniture or carpet, it’s time to trim them. Be sure not to trim off too much of each nail as this can cause pain.

Cats are prone to periodontal disease and gingivitus so brushing their teeth with veterinarian-approved toothpaste once or twice a week should suffice. You can also give them dental treats to clean their teeth in between brushing.

Finally, you’ll want to address the ears. While cats have a built-in mechanism for cleansing their inner ear canals, the visible portion of their ears should occasionally be very gently swabbed to remove foreign matter.

Please consult a veterinarian for the proper procedures when grooming your cat.

Feeding Advice

Cats are known as obligate carnivores or strict meat eaters. Their diets should primarily consist of high protein and a few fats.

While carbohydrates are not usually a part of feline nutrition, scientists have concluded they are able to be used for energy in small amounts. On the other hand, if a cat is continuously fed too many carbs, diabetes can actually develop later in their life.

When choosing a wet or dry food, you need to read the caloric information labels to ensure your cat is being fed the appropriate nutrient levels.

Normally, wet foods should contain around 70% to 80% moisture as cats from past feral generations obtained most of their liquids from the animals they killed and ate.

Proteins are ideal when they’re between 10% and 20% in grain-free wet food. Seafood varieties are typically the highest in protein.

Two of the best dry food formulas on the market would be Natural Balance Limited Ingredients Diet with High Protein and Orijen Biologically Appropriate Cat Food. These specially made dry food products include healthy amounts of prepared raw meats, some needed fats, and minimal carbohydrates.

Exercise Tips

You should plan to play with your cat at least 15 minutes everyday, although, more is encouraged with certain active breeds.

Feather toys and laser pointers are a great choice to keep them moving. This helps relieve their boredom and reduces the chance for depression as well.

For a really cheap play session, simply buy a ball of string. Cut off a ten foot section at a time and drag it around the house behind you. Your kitties will love attacking the end of the string! Big fun for a small price.

Catnip is another way to offer an edible distraction in their lives. Don’t worry, the effects typically wear off in about 15 minutes or so.

One of the best items you can acquire for exercise would be a cat tree or cat condo. This is basically a jungle gym for cats which provides a place for climbing, relaxing, and sharpening their claws instead of using your furniture.

There are a couple other alternatives including an exercise wheel, which can be somewhat expensive, and a simple body harness with a leash for outdoor walks. Your cat may or may not like this option but, you can give it a try.

maine coon cat price

Maine Coon Cat Price

The cost of a registered Maine Coon from will vary from $800 to $1500. If the price is less than $800 be wary of an unhealthy cat.

On the other hand, pedigree kittens with superior appearance and show winning parents from well-known breeders are likely to cost up to $2500.

It is possible to find Maine Coons up for adoption but most will be mixed breeds. Service fees can range from $30 to $175 depending on your area you live.

maine coon breeders

Registered Maine Coon Breeders

Alabama Maine Coons – Alabama

Backwoods Maine Coons – Alabama

Arkancoons Cattery – Arkansas

Cherokee West Maine Coons – California

Colorado Maine Coons – Colorado

High Country Maine Coons – Colorado

Matroskin Maine Coon Cats – Colorado

Coonpals Maine Coons – Florida

Maine Coon Perfection – Florida

OptiCoons – Florida

Pat’s Angels – Florida

Reigning Cats – Florida

Sassy Koonz – Florida

Maine Coon Pride – Georgia

MaineSail Maine Coon Cats – Georgia

Maine Vu – Georgia

Buctales Maine Coons – Illinois

Chemicoons – Illinois

McRuff Maine Coon Cattery – Illinois

Color of Cats Cattery – Indiana

One Cat Maine Coon – Iowa

Psycatics Maine Coon Cats – Iowa

Wild Pride Cattery – Iowa

Cat’s Eye KC Cattery – Kansas

EuroCoons – Kansas

Ma’at Cattery – Kansas

Cat Knapp Maine Coons – Michigan

Fluffy Giants Cattery – Michigan

Koontucky Maine Coons – Michigan

Kats Kits – Minnesota

Brushy Kreek Coons – Missouri

CR Maines – Missouri

Mojo Maines – Missouri

TuftsN’Ruff Cattery – Missouri

Mountain Maine Coons – Montana

Moxiecat Cattery – New Hampshire

Coonalley Maine Coons – New Jersey

Coonomagic – New York

Mcattery – New York

Sweetlilpaws Cattery – New York

Sassietats Maine Coons – North Carolina

Cats of Erebor – Ohio

Highlander Maine Coons – Ohio

Maine Delite Cattery – Ohio

Maine Lvrs Cattery – Ohio

Happy Trills Maine Coons – Oklahoma

My Lucky Stars Maine Coons – Oklahoma

Tufts N Trills – Oklahoma

Cumbrescoons Cattery – Pennsylvania

Maine Coons of Yggdrasil – Pennsylvania

Hissy Fit Coons – South Carolina

Kitty Cat Coons – Tennessee

Loving Lynx Maine Coons – Tennessee

The Lion’s Whelp Maine Coon – Tennessee

Aliana Maine Coons– Texas

Big Tex Coons – Texas

King Klauder Coons – Texas

Penthouse Maine Coons – Virginia

SaraJen Maine Coon Cats – Virginia

Coon Kingdom Maine Coons – Washington

Coon’s Ransom – Washington

Dzcoonz Maine Coonz – Wisconsin

Rock Hill Maine Coon Cats – Wisconsin

Zeus Pride – Wisconsin

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Hello and welcome! I’m a genuine cat lover and devoted parent of two adorable kitties. As you can see, cat adoption is meaningful for me. I believe it’s a humane and loving option. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the people who operate rescue shelters. To show my gratitude for their selfless dedication, I’ve designed this website to help enlighten potential feline owners and raise awareness for cat adoption. Please join me and other cat lovers in our efforts to ensure every kitty has a happy, healthy life!

Please consider adoption. So many cats need loving homes. You can be their hero! Visit No-Kill Rescue Shelters

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